Vitablitz Herbal

“Sleep” is a Natural Remedy for Physical and Mental Problems


In Chinese medical tradition, sleep is considered an important aspect in maintaining the balance of energy (qi) and vital flow (jing) in the body. The concept of sleep in a Chinese medical perspective focuses on its relationship with the organs in the body and good sleep is considered important for maintaining health. Sleep quality has a close relationship with the health of body organs.


The following is how sleep is connected to the body’s organs in Chinese medicine:

In the Chinese concept, each main organ in the body has certain sleeping hours which are called “Main Sleep Organs”   . During these sleeping hours, the body is considered to be resting and recovering.


The following is the relationship between the main sleep organs and sleep hours:

Liver: Liver sleep hours are 11 pm to 1 am

Lungs: The lungs sleep hours are between 3 and 5 in the morning

Kidneys: Kidney sleep hours are between 5 and 7 in the morning

Heart: Heart sleep hours are between 11 pm and 1 am

Spleen : The spleen’s sleeping hours are 9 to 11 pm

In the perspective of Chinese medicine, quality sleep includes aspects such as sleep that is deep enough, without nightmares, and sleep that is not too intermittent. Poor or insufficient sleep quality will have a negative impact on these organs and disrupt the flow of energy in the body.

Sleep disorders, such as insomnia or sleeping too much, are thought to affect energy balance in the body and contribute to health problems related to these organs.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recommends eating foods that are “YIN” which are cold or feminine and avoid foods that are “YANG” which are hot or masculine.


Usually, if you have difficulty sleeping, an overactive heart and mind is one of the causes. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and sweet and spicy foods. These foods are all yang (hot).


Instead, choose foods that contain the element Yin. Yin foods tend to be green, blue, white and with a high water content. For example, tofu, cucumber, banana, green beans, bananas and others.

Herbs that can help people with insomnia:

Lavender is a type of herbal plant that is famous for its fragrant aroma. The flowers are purple or blue and the small leaves are gray green.


Lavender has long been used to treat health problems such as headaches, sleep disorders, and anti-inflammatory properties.


Lavender is known for its calming and relaxing properties. “Vitablitz   Serenity Tea    has been proven to help reduce stress, anxiety and even mild depression by creating calming energy, making you sleep soundly, improving sleep quality and sleep duration and creating a sense of calm.

Chamomile or camomile is a type of flower that has therapeutic or medicinal properties.

Used by traditional Chinese medicine and proven that drinking chamomile flower tea can relieve stress, reduce anxiety and sleep better and more soundly. Chamomile flowers can also reduce inflammation and contain strong antioxidants.


“Vitablitz Serenity Tea ” containing Chamomile flowers can reduce anxiety, depression and insomnia. Improve the quality of sleep so that the body becomes healthy.



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